Repairs and checks

Services performed on a vehicle are a matter of trust. Whether it’s an oil change, glass repairs or wheel and tyre services, we inform you about the most important services.

Vehicle Check

Vehicle Check

VW service employee looks at the engine compartment of a VW car

With the Vehicle Check, you can enjoy a more reliable drive and at the same time help to preserve the value of your Volkswagen. Your Volkswagen Dealer will check important aspects of your car – from the brakes to the engine.

Choose the tread you want

They’re your only point of contact with the road. We’ve put together useful information on car tyres as well as handy tips on tread depth, rims, wheel/tyres combinations on our Wheel knowledge page.


Guarantees and guarantee extensions for your Volkswagen: Read about the scope and benefits of the guarantee offers for new and used vehicles.

Two women in nature leaning against a VW Touareg R model and looking at a smartphone